Now available- Workshop Scientific Program and Optional Extended Program, which includes a Brugge City Tour on 18 March,Tuesday after the meeting and a tour of Bruker microCT headquarters on 19 March, Wednesday, registration is limited. The International Bone and Mineral Society (IBMS) is excited to welcome you to the first biennial Herbert Fleisch Workshop, to be held in Brugge (Belgium), 16 – 18 March 2014. The Conference is named in honour of the late Herbert Fleisch, and in recognition of the wonderful Workshops that he hosted over several decades in Davos, Switzerland, where he always insisted on special attention being paid to the presentations of young scientists, whether they were in poster or oral format.
Meeting Objectives
The objective of the conference is to provide a Gordon-conference style forum for students, post-docs and early stage principal investigators to present work in progress, discuss thoroughly and network with peers, and get constructive feedback from experienced senior scientists. Similar to the IBMS Sun Valley Workshop, the Herbert Fleisch Workshop is its counterpart in Europe!
Meeting Structure
Limited Places! Workshop attendance is limited to 150 attendees. Participants are strongly encouraged to submit abstracts that showcase unpublished data, to foster discussion and constructive feedback in ample poster, oral, and clustered discussion sessions. Oral presentations will be selected from the abstracts. All are welcome as participants, with priority in programing given to young investigators.
Thanks to Amgen and Bruker for Generous Support to the 2014 Workshop