The Sun Valley workshop is now the
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Theme: The interaction of bone with other organ systems Saturday, 2 August
Sunday, 3 August
8:00AM-Noon (Continental Room)
Regulation of Skeletal Processes by Neuropeptides: Differences between Osteocyte and Osteoblast Receptors (Paul Baldock, Chair)
2:00-4:00PM (Sun Valley Lake)
7:30-8:30PM (Continental Room)
Plenary Lecture and RIB Award (Stephen Goldring, HSS)
Mechanisms of de-regulated bone remodeling in inflammatory arthritis: Pathology teaches physiology
8:30-10:30PM (Continental Room)
Poster session with wine and cheese following the Plenary Lecture. All Alice L. Jee Award winners will bring a poster to this session.
Monday, 4 August
8:00AM-Noon (Continental Room)
Association Between Bone Fragility and Vascular Calcification (Pawel Szulc, Chair)
Career Development Workshop (Marjolein van der Meulen, Chair)
Moderator: Gayle Lester (NIH)
Panel Members: David Ke (Amgen), Mary Nakamura (UCSF), Marjolein van der Meulen (Cornell) How do I put together a curriculum vitae? (a) Overview of CV examples (b) Breakout sessions with mentors reviewing each young investigator’s CV The Interview Process: A panel discussion centered around interviewing for positions at different levels: postdoctoral, faculty, industry. Panel members will include a member of a current search committee in an academic department; an industry scientist with experience in hiring; a basic and a clinical scientist working within a clinical department; a departmental chair
Banquet at the Sun Valley Symphony Tuesday, 5 August
8:00AM-Noon (Continental Room)
Association between Skeletal Muscle and Bone Biological Biomechanical Properties (Richard Lieber, Chair)
7:00-10:00PM (Continental Room)
Presentations from the winners of the ASBMR/Harold M. Frost Young Investigator Awards. Presentations will be 20 minutes total- 15 minutes to present and 5 minutes for questions. Wednesday, 6 August
8:00AM-Noon (Continental Room)
Bone and the Immune System (Roberto Pacifici, Chair)
Leave back door at 12:30PM
Gut Microbiome Regulation of Bone Health (Laura McCabe, Chair)