To download all Alice L Jee Award, Frost Award, and Speaker Abstracts, click here.
Saturday July 30, 2011
Registration Open
Continental Foyer
7:30PM- 10:00PM
Dr. Burr's Apartment
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Continental Room of the Sun Valley Inn
Morning Session
Invited Lectures
8:00 AM - Noon
Inflammatory Disorders that Alter the Process of Bone Remodeling.
Chairperson: Steven Goldring
Role of Immune Cells on Bone Remodeling in Inflammatory Arthritis
Georg Schett (University of Erlangen)
Mary Beth Humphrey (University of Oklahoma)
Ellen Gravallese (University of Massachusetts)
Oral Presentation
Mei-Shu Shih (PharmaLegacy)
Panel Discussion
Volleyball at Sun Valley Lake - Refreshments Provided!
2:00PM - 4:00 PM
Everyone Welcome! Even if you don't play volleyball, stop by for some refreshments and
conversation. Great opportunity to get acquainted with others on a very informal basis.
Evening Session
Invited Lectures
7:30 PM -8:30 PM
The RIB Award/Plenary Lecture (in Honor of Dr. Charles Turner)
[Two short talks from investigators collaborating with Dr. Turner on different topics]
Use of Genetically Modified Animal Models in Biological Research
Wes Beamer (Jackson Labs)
Mechanical Control of Bone Gain: Temporal and Molecular Components |
Alex Robling (Indiana University)
8:30PM-10:30 PM
Monday, August 1, 2011
Continental Room of the Sun Valley Inn
Morning Session
Invited Lectures
8:00 AM- Noon
Site-specific Patterns of Cartilage Degeneration and Repair in OA
Chairperson: Mary Goldring
Peri-articular Changes in OA
Harrie Weinans (Erasmus University Medical Center)
Biological Aspects of Osteophyte Formation
Wim van den Berg (Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center)
Robert Guldberg (Georgia Tech)
Panel Discussion
5:30PM-9:00 PM
Socializer, Banquet, and Symphony: Open bar from 5:30- 6:00PM. Cash bar begins at 6 PM.
Food will be served before the symphony begins at 6:30 PM.
Tuesday August 2, 2011
Continental Room of the Sun Valley Inn
Morning Session
Invited Lectures
Fracture Healing and Non-Union
Chairperson: Lou Gerstenfeld
Lou Gerstenfeld (Boston University)
Mathias Bostrom (Hospital for Special Surgery)
Elise Morgan (Boston University)
Tom Clemens (Johns Hopkins University)
Oral Presentation
Claire Clarkin (Kings College London)
Eric Hesse (Harvard University, School of Dental Medicine)
Evening Session
Oral Presentations
7:30PM- 9:30 PM
Blaine Christiansen (University of California, Davis Medical Center)
Yi-Hsiang Hsu (Harvard University)
Sarah Manske (Stony Brook University)
Meghan McGee-Lawrence (Mayo Clinic)
Jean Regard (National Institutes of Health)
Baohong Zhao (Hospital for Special Surgery)
Wednesday August 3, 2011
Continental Room of the Sun Valley Inn
Morning Session
Invited Speakers
8:00 AM-Noon
Cross-talk among Bone Cells
Chairperson: Teresita Bellido
Natalie Sims (St. Vincent’s Institute)
Yongmei Wang (University California San Francisco)
Notch Signaling and Toll-like Receptors in Arthritis
Lionel Ivashkiv (Hospital for Special Surgery)
Ernesto Canalis (St. Francis Hospital and Medical Center)
Oral Presentation
Cheryl Jorcyk (Boise State University)
Evening Session
Cross-talk Among Bone Cells
7:30PM -9:30PM
Chairperson: Hank Donahue
Invited Speakers
Roberto Civitelli (Washington University)
Hank Donahue (Penn State)
Charles O’Brien (University of Arkansas)
Oral Presentation
Russell Turner (Oregon State University)