Sun Valley Resort
1 Sun Valley Road
Sun Valley, Idaho 83353
Room Rates:
Sun Valley Lodge: (single or double occupancy) $195.00-$520.00
Sun Valley Inn: (single or double occupancy) $169.00-$555.00
Deluxe Lodge Apartments: $215.00-$619.00
Standard Sun Valley Condominiums: $199.00-$379.00
For reservations call 800.786.8259 or at: *. Be sure to reference code: HTS10.
*Please note if you are looking for a room type not listed in the block or plan on coming early or staying later please call reservations directly.
You cannot make reservations through the IBMS Web site.
If you would like to share housing with other attendees please see the following document: Sun Valley Shared Housing Contact list.
If you would like your name and information to be included on this list please contant IBMS headquarters or 312.321.5113